Bare Oaks and Naked Club present a naturist/nudist weekend of fun body/mind/spirit activities and workshops near Toronto, Canada - July 25-27, 2025
Bodyfest Schedule 2024 (2025 schedule will be posting in the spring)
Welcome to our fun-filled weekend of clothes-free workshops, activities, performances, and celebrations! When you arrive at Bare Oaks, remember to check in at the Bodyfest kiosk first to get wristbanded (and buy your ticket if applicable), THEN go to the Bare Oaks office to check in and only pay 1/2 price for the Bare Oaks day fee.
Activities are usually 45 minutes each, on the hour, and will happen on the main lawn or at designated places on the grounds.
Friday July 26, 2024 4 PM +
To avoid a large lineup Saturday morning, we suggest you arrive Friday afternoon to check in and get your Bodyfest ticket (wristband). You can camp or pre-book a cabin. There are NO rooms available in the clubhouse. FYI there is an early 9 AM yoga class the next day!
4 pm + Check in at the Bodyfest Reception Kiosk on the main lawn and meet up with others arriving.
7 pm - MEET&GREET and FOAM PARTY for visitors, crew and leaders on the front lawn. Robert will offer some easy group linking games. Sample some coffee from Stereo Coffee Roasters.
8 pm - SPIRIT SYMPHONY with Sharamine and her collection of drums, bells, whistles and tambourines. Do not miss this! Play or dance. Or both! - At the fire pit west of the office building.
SATURDAY July 27, 2024 – front gate opens @ 8:30 AM
Everything today happens on the front lawn with a few exceptions.
BARE BAZAAR - This is a kiosk village of artisans, merchants and other cool ongoing activities you can sample through the day. Body-painting, tarot card reading, juggling, massage, art creations, etc.
From 10:30 through the morning you can TIE-DYE a t-shirt with Gil (for a small fee for materials).
9 am - Alyson: DAWN YAWN YOGA Simple and easy morning yoga to wake up the body.
10 am - Swami ji: MEDITATION with MOVEMENT Energize and balance your body/mind for the day to come.
11 am - Nathalie: ZUMBA! Now you have energy so let’s express ourselves with music, rhythm, and body bounce!
12 noon - Bobby K: IMPROV and SKETCH COMEDY Don’t be shy! It is fun and much easier than you think! The impovisations have been hilarious every year!
1 pm - CENTRE STAGE - BODYFEST SUMMIT: We have announcements and introductions to make, then...
1:20 pm - GROUP PHOTO on the main lawn. Everybody! Then NAKED SNAKE led by Robert. Everyone try to join in!
2 pm - Christine: NAKED SOUL CIRCLE - A conscious relationship discovery circle with short exercises that will connect us with new ways of communicating safe, energetic and physical self awareness. Her soul circles always lead to levity and heart expansion.
3 pm - Swami ji: LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE Join our special guest from India whose divine presence will levitate your soul!
4 pm - Rahul: ENERGIZE YOUR AURA - Bring together all you have experienced today to a point of ecstasy and release through free dance/movement.
5 pm – Rousing LIVE ROCK MUSIC with Mr. Finch on stage!
6 pm - Find a place to collapse with exhaustion and SMILE!
7 pm - Bobby and Andre: SHOW ME YOURS Amateur talent show! Now it’s your turn - think about what you can present... yes you! Get up there and do something for a minute or two. Dance, sing, juggle, recite, play an instrument, stand on your head...
8 pm - Ross and Tamara: MAGICKAL RITUAL Introduction to the philosphy and rites of this Wiccan group. Participate!
9-11 pm - DANCE PARTY on the main lawn with UV lights and glowing BODY-PAINT! And a giant SHADOW BOX! If it is too cold out, we’ll be in the New Forest Room downstairs in the clubhouse.
SUNDAY July 28, 2024 (reduced admission rate for new arrivals)
9 am - Swami ji: MEDITATION with MOVEMENT Balance your body and mind for the day to come.
10 am - Christine: BODY LANGUAGE - Join us for a fun way to read your own body's language based on the psyche-brain-organ connection.
11 am - Ilona: AWAKEN WITH KUNDALINI YOGA Accessible to all, Kundalini yoga is a form of yoga that uses simple movements, breathing techniques, chanting and meditation to help you feel more energized and relaxed.
12 pm - Sarah: BODY PAINTING CONTEST Pair up with someone, artist and model. Or relax and watch the process. You will have about 30 minutes to complete your masterpiece. Then we'll have a "fashion show" to determine favourites! Three mug trophies will be awarded to the winning artists! All models and artists should be photo-ok.
1 pm - Sharamine: NEUROGENIC ART - This is an instinctual form of art where the parameters are simple enough that you can clear your thoughts and let your hand create random loops.
Also 1 pm: Rahul: SELF-HEALING USING YOGIC SECRETS - Find Rahul on the front lawn.
2 pm - EARTHY BODIES - at the beach, cover your body with cool designs using 3 shades of clay. It’s like body-painting but washes off easily! We will take a GROUP PHOTO of earth bodies.
Then WATER SPRAY FIGHT, still near the beach.
3 pm to 5 pm - DECOMPRESSION SESSION -This is rest time for all, to get together and hang out, share stories and exchange impressions of the weekend. This is your chance to suggest ideas for improvements or new additions to future versions of Bodyfest. See you there!